Monday, May 17, 2010


It has started! Already!!!!! She is now in love with Dora the Explorer. My child has fell into the commercial fanamania of children's characters. I swore off all things "character". I asked for no character clothing when I was pregnant and told everyone if you bought me Pooh don't expect to ever see his face on my daughter.

So now here I am with this little girl looking up at me with her beautiful blue eyes screaming Dora in every direction in Target and I'm not supposed to melt and break every rule I ever made? What a dumb rule. It was inevitable. She would grow up to love characters on TV and at Disneyland because no matter what I would expose her to them (as long as they are age appropriate and not irritating as hell) and she would fall head over hills.

So we now own a sippy, two pairs of jammies, two Dora dolls and who knows what we will con ourselves into buying to just see that simple moment of joy flash across her face which is so priceless its unbelievable.

Her name is Eden and she is crazy

First let me start by saying that my child isn't really mentally crazy. She is crazy in the most adventurous, I have no fear way. We just bought her a new cage. Well not a cage but the gate that goes into the shape of an octagon. Well she was in her new freedom circle when she decided she wanted to climb into her shopping cart walker. Now my child is 14 months. She is ahead in all of her measurements. Head, weight and height. Somehow she lifted those long legs up and climbed into the walker all by herself, put her feet in the shopping cart and sat on the edge of the cart as if she was soaking her feet in a pool of water.

I of course freaked and took her out before she fell on her head but it made me think she has now graduated to climber! How fast they grow. How wonderful to see them progress but how sad to not have them swaddled up in your arms. They said to me while I was pregnant, "Enjoy, they grow so fast". I always brushed it off with a ya ya. I mean I had heard it a million times but they are right. They do grow up so fast. Right before our eyes. And with amazement and overwhelming pride I will watch and protect as a momma bear should.